GED® en Español

by Instant Test Prep LLC


4.59 usd

Use our GED® exam preparation application in Spanish to prepare for your high school equivalency exam! This is a premium application developed by experienced GED® educators. The GED® test in Spanish has undergone major changes in recent years and our 2019 edition application is fully updated. If you wish to pass this test on your first attempt, be sure to obtain an application that includes:★ Complete practice exams with BOTH sections of GED® Mathematics (with calculator allowed and calculator not allowed).★ Science questions with graphic exhibits. Questions about cladograms, Punnett tables, median, fashion, energy pyramids, trophic levels and more.★ Social studies questions with charts, graphs and images. Questions about federalism, the Bill of Rights, checks and balances, facts versus opinions, basic economics and more.★ Reasoning through the Language Arts section with full text passages followed by reading comprehension questions.★ A complete guide to the GED® Language Arts Essay, along with a practice question about the essay and a highly qualified sample response.We offer all this amazing test preparation material in an easy to use and easy to navigate application. Detailed explanations are provided for each exam question, clearly showing you how to get the correct answer.